====== Prepare the machine ======
- Power on
- Turn on the power supply on the left side of the machine.
- Turn on the machine by pressing the round metal power-button on the left bottom of the front panel:\\ {{:hyrel:power_01_02_web.jpg?400|}}
- Make connection
- Open Repetrel on the computer (Repetrel is not running on the tablet anymore).
- Test the connection by clicking on the ''Light'' button on top of the Repetrel UI:\\ {{:hyrel:light_banner_web.jpg?400|}}
- **Home**
- **You NEED to home the machine before starting any other motion**
- Home the X and Y axes (!)
- Home the Z axis (!)
- Put a piece of paper under the nozzle.
- Click ''Enable Z-calibrate''. When the button is red and the arrow on it's right is lit up yellow, It is now possible to //carefully// raise the bed to the nozzle.
- The arrows show the motion from the perspective of the table:
- UP = closer to the nozzle
- DOWN = further away from the nozzle
- Raise the bed until the paper is lightly pinched between the nozzle and the bed.
- Un-click ''Enable Z-calibration'' to set the current position as Z-ZERO.