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KiCad Overview

An open source electronics design software package.

Shawn Hymel from Digikey has a good overview tutorial playlist. Here's a summary for future reference.



  • Design circuit
  • Create symbols (in the Symbol Editor)
  • Schematic Capture (in the Schematic Layout Editor)
  • Create footprints (in the Footprint Editor)
  • Generate Netlist
  • Board Layout (in the PCB Layout Editor)

Create a new Symbol Library

  • In the Symbol Editor: File > New Library.
    • Save the .lib file local to your project (eg: projects folder) or available to multiple projects (eg: documents > KiCad > Libraries).
  • Choose Global if the symbol can be used for multiple projects or Project if it's project-specific.

Create a new Symbol

  • In the Symbol Editor: File > New Symbol
  • Select the library you just created
  • Give the symbol a name & Click OK
  • other/kicad_overview.1587218948.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/04/18 07:09
  • by formlab