
Stacker S4

Run this calibration after changing filament brands and after a nozzle swap.

Prepare the printer

  • Remove the existing filament
  • Clean the feeder gears with a toothbrush or brass brush
  • insert new filament only a few centimeter into the Bowden tube.
  • Close the latch of the feeder assembly
  • measure 120mm of filament, from the entry point and mark with a line

Connect Stacker to the computer

(Tested on 24/02/21).

  • Add usb-extension cables to the usb cable on the stacker, so it can reach the iMac.
  • Connect the usb cable to the usb hub (renkforce). It doesn't work when connecting to the keyboard, or to the iMac directly.
  • Open Repetier-host Mac.
  • Go to printer settings and select the Stacker S4 profile.
  • Check the following values:
    • Baud Rate: 250000
    • Stop Bits: 1
    • Parity: None
    • Transfer Protocol: Autodetect
    • Receive Cache size: 127
    • Timeout: 40ms
    • Ping-pong communication (not checked)
    • Firmware send OK after error (checked)
  • Click connect
  • Optionally: test the connection by enabling the fan at 100%

Slowly extrude 100mm of filament

  • In the print panel, enable Heat On. (We will not extrude filament out of the nozzle, but the extrude command only works when the nozzle is hot. This is a safety feature).
  • Set the extruder temperature to 200
  • Set the extruder speed to 60mm / min.
  • Set Extrude to 100mm
  • Click extrude
  • Measure to the mark to find out what was actually extruded. Take 120 and subtract the measured distance to find the actual length of extruded filament.
    • For example, if you measure 5mm, you extruded 115mm of filament

Change the EEPROM Steps Per mm

  • In Repetier-Host, go to Printer > EEPROM Settings
  • Find the entry for Extr.1 steps per mm. This is the current E-Steps value.
  • To calculate the new E-STEPS number, use this formula: ( 100mm ÷ How much filament was extruded) x ( Your current E-Steps ) = Your New E-Steps.
  • Update this value at the Extr.1 steps per mm EEPROM entry. It's immediately stored in the printer's memory.

Run the extrusion test again (on a new part of the filament) to see if your changes result in 100mm extrusion.

  • Minimal 2 wall lines.
  • Check Z Seam Alignment (under Shell). Random might be nicest for objects without corners.
  • Is there enough filament?
  • Check the fan blip at the start.

Parking location for 'pause at height' postprocessor script:
X = 500
Y = 366

When you suspect that filament has crept up the hot end, pushing the Bowden tube up, clean the nozzle with a cold pull when the Bowden tube has been removed.

  1. disconnect the cable of the heater block
  2. unscrew the nozzle with the heater block attached
  3. reattach the heater block cable. The nozzle is suspended on this cable now.
  4. heat up the nozzle to 200°C
  5. Hold the nozzle with pliers under the threads. Manually extrude some 2,85mm filament (The Stacker normally works with 1.75mm filament, but this way the filament doesn't break as easily)
  6. set the target temperature at 0°C. The printer is now cooling down.
  7. When the temperature reaches 92°C, grip the nozzle on with pliers on the part above the threads. Position it against the metal frame of the printer so the force of pulling out the filament will go into the frame of the printer.
  8. With a quick pull, remove the filament from the nozzle.
  9. If the result is not good, repeat the cold pull again

Colorfabb: For us changing the EEPROM speeds worked well. I would suggest for both values 9mm/s. (For the Stacker at Formlab, this didn't fully get rid of the whine). Of course good maintenance is very important, so lubricating the linear rails is important to prevent unnecessary friction and rust.

  • stacker_s4/stacker_s4.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/01/13 02:02
  • by formlab