Welcome to the 3D-print and -scan lab of the School of Arts Ghent
Open on
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Work on your own 09:00 - 10:00 09:00 - 10:00
With assistance 10:00 - 16:30 10:00 - 16:30 09:00 - 12:30

From December 2024 Formlab uses new prices.

Formlab will be closed on Monday morning February 24 from 12:30 to approx 15:00
Formlab will be closed on Wednesday morning February 26th
Formlab will be closed on Wednesday morning March 12th

Notice to students: we'll try to include every project but if the preparation takes longer than an hour we'll have to plan according to the current situation.

Régis Dragonetti wrote a nice introductory text about the formlab. It appeared in the publication 'Onrust', but is online too (in Dutch).
Thomas Willemen uses the vacuum form machine to shrink a plastic membrane around a cube frame.
Jerry Galle's 3D printed sculptures are still a few days on display in the 'Volatile Truths' exhibition at Rainbow Unicorn in Berlin.
Lukas Haanoule worked on some experiments with found objects and purpose made moulds.
A photo-sculpture by Ives Maes
Setting up a urinal for the series 'AI Object recognition, infrathin' by Jerry Galle www.fuzzylogic.be www.jerrygalle.xyz
Bram De Man scanned the back of a Biancato guitar to analyse its curvature.
Maria inspects a new print. It's a 3D printed, Petri dish sized mountain range which will set the stage for the second video in the Petrilogy series. A Laboratorum and Formlab collaboration.
HISK laureate Lisa Wilkens printed this extruded word 'MEHR'
Anouk De Clercq designed a sleeve that would both house the book 'Thing' and the USB stick containing a video.
Clamp element for a scultpure by Carsten Henrion.
Marta Calatayud Arroyo needed a bacteria cradle to find out how differents species of bacteria living together influence each other.
Pieterjan Boucneau assembles his multi part bridge study 'Ponte Sul Basento'.
Exhibition at the 'Zwarte Zaal' ending the workshop by JODI.
A 3D scan of tape wrapped bananas by Kamiel De Waal
Cadine Navarro: Sound Landscape. Printed during the JODI workshop. This is the print before the support-wax was removed. www.cadinenavarro.com
A small version of ressObject, Jerry Galle
New Species, by Elisa d'Urbano.
Fold Unfold Fold Again, Lore Horré. A choreography amongst images
Thumbfoot by Rébecca Brunet
23′ Download: Using and reusing data of a 23′ minute Nasa download in progress. A work by Jerry Galle.
The first test with plasticine with the EMO-25 print head.