Kris Catteau doesn't want do drum anymore. He's automating his set with solenoids.
Experiments to recycle PETG sheet material.
A digital rag in preparation for Max's travels.
Tessa Langeveld 3D-printed a sheet of paper.
Key cutouts for Benjamin Maertens' replica of a 17 century clarinette
Another element in Jonas Dehnen's Fraktur series.
Testing out the influence of temperature on the consistency of beeswax.
Architectural model for the research project of Jo Boonen.
Bilal makes a dome to protect his sculpture.
The toolpaths for a new work in the Fraktur-series by Jonas Dehnen.
Testing out the filament extruder.
The second slice of the 'Ressurrected Object' installation is ready for 3D printing.
Instrument builder Jan Verstraete printed this head as a study for a viola da gamba.
The toes of Rienke Mornie
Detail of a scultpure by Hilde Onis after flocking.
Floor De Width tries on her gostly gasmask.
Hilde Onis is on the final stretch in completing her pink super-dorito.
Mathias Vincent gives his work a yellow touch.
This project is an examination of different aesthetic and material ways to play with letterpress printing techniques of fraktur typefaces. This particular piece is in aluminium, and is a sculptural variation on typical letterpress printing blocks. The motif is composed of rows of the 'ch' letter.
Laura Vandenbroucke's thermoform test.
Ressurected Object, by Jerry Galle is exhibited at the Design Museum in Ghent for the exhibition "Fibre-Fixed" (until April 21st 2019).
LouLou Jaoo Da Costa cuts out drawings in wood for her sculptural paintings.
Making tool holder-holders
Lieven Bauwens in scaffolding. A print of Daniel García Andújar for his exhibition at KIOSK: Plus Ultra.
The mighty sword of the Holy Roman Emperor. A print of Daniel García Andújar for his exhibition at KIOSK: Plus Ultra
A naked Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor. Printed in preparation for a show of Daniel García Andújar at KIOSK: Plus Ultra. The show opens Friday 21st of September 2018 at 7pm.
Pepa Ivanova on a quest to uglify 3D print aesthetics.
Fashion students made some thermoforming tests with flexible sheets
Thanks to Edwin Carels, the Fallen astronaut by Paul Van Hoeydonck had a chance to carefully study the Formlab made moon regolith at the International Film Festival in Rotterdam.
Jerry Galle took some calibration-prints home from Formlab. He showed them to his AI script and asked it to write a description of them. Read the results on his webpage.
Experiments with edible jewelry by Janne Claes
Jo Boonen printed models of high-rise sites in Ghent for his research BLOK.